Worship and Prayer Groups
ST. JAMES SENIOR CHOIR is open to all adult members and
friends of the congregation. Rehearsals are held in the choir loft at 9:00 am
on Sunday mornings, September through May. No experience needed!
ALTAR GUILD is the group which prepares the altar area for
worship, including filling the communion glasses, polishing the brass-ware, and
changing the altar cloths and candles.
USHERS are the group of men, women, and children who seat people
for worship, take the offering, and guide people for Communion.
E-MAIL PRAYER CHAIN: We have over 35 people on our e-mail prayer chain who pray for anyone who has a prayer request. If you would like to be on the prayer chain, send us your e-mail address at stjamessecretary4771@gmail.com or stjamespastorcares@gmail.com.
ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets at 9:00 am every
Sunday morning in the Conference Room for lively discussion and
in-depth study of the Bible.
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am. All are welcome
FOUR WEEK BIBLE STUDIES are held several times throughout the year.
LUTHERAN WOMEN'S MISSIONARY LEAGUE (LWML) members meet several times throughout the year for bible study, fellowship and various mission projects such as supporting missionaries.
Cleveland South-West zone consists of 18 Lutheran churches located in Cleveland,
Parma, Strongsville, N. Royalton, Brunswick, Lakewood, Westlake and Rocky
River. Each year we have a Lenten Prayer Breakfast Worship Service, after Easter a spring event with a speaker, and in the fall a Bible study. We rotate our events at
different churches. Two publications are
available quarterly call the ODE (Ohio District Edition) that lets you know
what is going on in the Ohio District and the Lutheran Women’s Quarterly with national news plus Bible studies that are
located on the information table. We
also collect mites for our mission project.
LADIES AID women meet at 12 noon on the
second Monday of each month. They enjoy food and fellowship while doing
many service projects for our church and the community.
FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ladies meet on the first
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm September through May. In addition to
fellowship, the meetings offer devotions, craft projects, guest speakers,
dinners, and opportunities for Christian service projects.
FELLOWSHIP CLUB consists of members and friends of the
congregation of all ages with planned events such as plays, dinners, local
attractions, sports events and game nights. The events are usually planned for
the third Saturday of each month.
Service to Others
Crisis Center is located at 2970 West 30th at Walton Avenue and helps
needy people. We bring food, clothes, furniture, and much more. You may
consider volunteering at the Center.
SUPPORT FOR JULIE ADAMS HOME: We also support the Julie
Adams Home which is a half-way house for dependent people.
SOUP-ER BOWL: We hold our Soup-er Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday
and the weekends around it. We collect soup for Immanuel Lutheran Church. They
appreciate our soup in their food pantry.
SOAP DRIVE: In September/October we collect soap to be sent
overseas to help people who have little soap.
gloves, scarves, and mittens for the children at Luther Memorial School.
BABY CLOTHES AND DIAPERS: In December we collect baby
clothes, diapers, etc. to support programs at the Redeemer Crises Center.
COMMUNITY WORK: We also partner with the Old Brooklyn
Corporation and serve the people of the Old Brooklyn Neighborhood assisting with
Fall-o-ween, Cocoa & Cookies with Santa, and other projects. We also
partner with several Alcoholics Anonymous groups which meet on
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings in the lower level of the church.